Tuesday, December 2, 2008

TWD - Linzer Sables AND Thanksgiving Twofer Pie

Thanksgiving Twofer Pie

So I definitely made this Thanksgiving Twofer Pie (actually 2 of them) the Monday before Thanksgiving. So I could have posted it when I was supposed to last Tuesday. But there was a little extension to allow for the holiday, allowing us to post as late as Sunday...so what do I do? Forget about it until yesterday. And to top it all off I made a third pie on Thanksgiving day itself (the first 2 were given away).

Anyways, this pie is superb. I adore pumpkin pie, but have never really liked pecan pie because it is just too much sweetness. But this pie is a perfect blend of the two. Baking it was really easy too.

Thanks to Vibi of La Casserole Carree for choosing the perfect pie for Thanksgiving (see her site or page 321 of Baking from my Home to Yours for the recipe).

Linzer Sables

This week's recipe was chosen by Dennis of Living the Life. I am in finals this week in school and so life is pretty crazy for me. I was really wanting to not do this week, but then I chose to join this group, and I do enjoy baking, so I decided to go for it. My husband had also told me that he doesn't like this kind of cookie so to not be offended if he didn't eat them....this was going to be a great week.

But I made them anyways. They are super simple to whip up. The recipe can be found on Dennis' blog or on pages 134-136 of Baking from my Home to Yours. I didn't make them into cute little sandwiches because I was short on time. And I halved the recipe. But they are great on their own with some powdered sugar and milk :) I think they would be better though in sandwich form with some chocolate in the center...yum.

Anyways, as you can see we have already eaten 4...the rest will soon be gone as well :) Stay tuned next week for Grandma’s All-Occasion Sugar Cookies on pages 146-147.


vibi said...

Well... better late than never! I thank you so very much Amy, for baking the twofer with me this (last) week! LOL
I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as you did! BRAVO! ...for the sablés too!

Rebecca of "Ezra Pound Cake" said...

Wow, your pies came out perfectly! And the cookies are gorgeous. Please, don't make me hate you. ;)